[SoNA 2]: Fisheries Sector Revenue Decreases by D21 Million


By: Kebba AF Touray

In his Address on Fisheries, Gambian President Adama Barrow said the sector’s total revenue has decreased by twenty million, seven hundred and ninety-two thousand and three hundred and fifty-seven Dalasi (D20,792,357.00).

“Due to several factors, however, the total revenue collected from the fisheries sector decreased from one hundred and thirty-one million, five hundred and ninety-five thousand, two hundred and sixty-nine Dalasis (GMD131,595,269) in 2022 to one hundred and ten million, eight hundred and two thousand, nine hundred and twelve Dalasis (GMD110,802,912) in 2023, representing a decrease of twenty million, seven hundred and ninety-two thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven Dalasis (GMD20,792,357) or about 15.8%,” he said.

He made this disclosure on Thursday, 27 June 2024, while making his State of the Nation Address to Members of the National Assembly, on behalf of the Gambian people. The annual address allows the Gambian leader to outline his government’s plans for the country and inform members of past activities and expenditures carried out by his Government. 

President Barrow said the Fisheries sector as one of the productive sectors, contributes to the economy of the Gambia. However, he said that due to several factors, total revenue collected from the fisheries sector has decreased from one hundred and thirty-one million, five hundred and ninety-five thousand, two hundred and sixty-nine Dalasi (GMD131,595,269) in 2022, to one hundred and ten million, eight hundred and two thousand, nine hundred and twelve Dalasi (GMD110,802,912) in 2023.

“This represents a decrease of twenty million, seven hundred and ninety-two thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven Dalasi (GMD20,792,357) or about 15.8 percent of total revenue,” the President said;

To get the most from the sector, the government is actively reviewing its fishing license regime to increase protection for artisan fishers and to ensure fair and sustainable management of the country’s fisheries resources. 

Consequently, President Barrow said the Ministry of Fisheries, Water Resources, and National Assembly Matters had initiated the construction of twenty (20) fishing boats and their equipment, to enhance the livelihood of youth and women to reduce illegal migration. He said the Ministry is also constructing fish ponds in Kuloro through a funding partnership with the EU, to boost fish production. 

“The twenty-five million dollars (US$25 Million) Climate Resilient Fishery Initiative for the Livelihood Improvement Project funded by the Green Climate Fund, aims to conserve and protect our country’s fisheries resources while strengthening the climate resilience of fishing communities across the country,” President Barrow said. 

To minimize post-harvest losses and promote the hygiene and quality of fish products during the period under review, the Ministry built two fish landing platforms in Gunjur and Tanji and constructed access roads linking these sites to markets. He informed lawmakers that The Gambia has made significant strides in improving equitable access to safe drinking water, with ninety percent (90%) of the population provided with better water sources in 2023, up from eighty-six percent (86%) in 2010.

“I must observe however, that this stands at 83% in the rural area. Additional, efforts are needed to bridge the gap by increasing access to safe drinking water in rural communities,” he admitted. He reported that the government has implemented a mini-borehole drilling project last year with a budget of ten million Dalasi (GMD10 Million), from Government’s local funds. He said fifteen (15) communities now have access to safe and high-quality potable water through the project.

“In collaboration with the Africa Development Bank group and Japan, my government targets to install one hundred and thirty (130) large solar-powered pipe borne water system to benefit one hundred and sixty-two (162) communities, and an estimated two hundred and eighty thousand (280,000) people,” he said. 

To this end, the President remarked that twenty (20) boreholes were inaugurated in December 2023, and fifty-five (55) are being installed, with the remaining fifty-five (55) to be completed in 2025. He assured that his Government will not relent in sustaining these efforts.