NYC Says Youth Policy Seeks to Address Social, Economic Problems Confronting Youth


By: Kebba AF Touray

The National Youth Council (NYC) has stated that the 2018 to 2028 youth policy seeks to address social, economic, and health problems confronting the youth in the country.

These objectives, as indicated in the aforesaid policy, are in line with the policy goal of establishing a holistic and harmonious youth cohort, with adequate knowledge and capabilities, strong professional ethics that give them life options to choose development, and progress in alignment with the national vision.

“The main objectives of this policy include in a special way to address the social, economic and health problems that confront the youth. To mobilise resources for youth programmes and projects at all levels, and to advocate for greater economic inclusion and reduce youth unemployment, through enhanced economic growth and equitable distribution of national wealth,” NYC said.

The council also indicated that the policy seeks to improve organizational capacity performance and ensure country-wide coverage in the execution of youth programmes, establishing through the Youth Ministry an effective coordination mechanism of interventions in the implementation of the policy by its stakeholders.

“The policy also aims to ensure that all youth programs are youth-driven and youth centered, promote youth participation in the democratic process, at all levels as well as in leadership at individual, family community and national level,” NTC stated.

The policy also developed ten (10) core priority areas which it seeks to implement and achieve in addressing the aforesaid problems confronting the youth folk of the country. They include ‘rethinking and redefining youth development as a deliberate formation process, advocating for the rethinking and realignment of the national educational systems to meet the quality and numerical knowledge and skills needed for national development; institutional partnership collaboration in youth development programs and investment; institutionalizing and strengthening coordination of policy implementation; establishing coequality between STEM and general academic education and availing to all youths of various aptitudes; advocate for mainstreaming youth in economic planning and programing as prerequisites to growth and employment creation; identification and taking advantages of high employment potency sector such as agriculture, fisheries and technology related services; curbing migration through formidable alternatives; and assuring all youth access to quality health and education; promoting sustained diversified and viable entrepreneurship development schemes and opportunities for youth.’