According to a press release issued by the police soon after Binta Jurju was shot dead, a Joint Security Task Force was mounting a routine night vehicle check point at Manjai Kunda and a taxi with Registration number BJL 7039G came by and upon reaching the Check Point, the driver sped on refusing to stop. A warning shot was fired but the driver kept on driving at top speed. “This being a sure suspicious behaviour, the security officers boarded their patrol vehicle and pursued the fleeing driver. A second warning shot was again fired but the driver again failed to heed and instead led the officers on a wild chase,” the press release stated. The release further explained that the officers eventually overtook the taxi and braked in front of it to force it to stop but the driver swerved and took a quick turn and drove through a narrow road nearby. The release stated that the officers then shot at the car in order to force it to stop but the bullet hit a lady who was sitting at the back seat of the taxi leading to her death. The release described the incident as unfortunate and tragic “which is regrettable.” It was then asserted: “However it must be noted that the security forces of the Gambia would not be complacent in ensuring the security of this nation and its people and this is happening not long after the December 30th 2014 attack.” The release described the attack on the state house as a terror attack and added that this meant that all necessary means are being employed to stem a recurrence of that incident. It finally gave a stern warning to the general public to respect the established Check Points and cooperate with the Security forces as they are meant to ensure their own security. It is clear from the above Press Release that shooting did take place. It is also confirmed that Ya Binta’s corpse was taken to the hospital. A coroner’s inquest should confirm the cause of death from the post mortem. ]]>