Technocrats Survive By Professionalism And Not By Parochialism


One of the saddest realities in Gambian society is to have former men and women of state affairs participating in parochial discourse and pollute the whole political atmosphere with innuendos and defamatory remarks just to show their contempt. Instead of moving on with their academic training and professional engagement in other spheres, they sacrifice their relevance before the altar of personal lust for power and like Shylock; and are ready to dip their fingernails in other’s skin until they have their pound of flesh.

The Gambia deserves better sons and daughters than those who make exchange of contemptuous language and mischief, their daily trade.

Maybe Abubakak Mari Tambadou’s recent move could be an eye opener for our men and women of letters. Bombarded with calls for resignation and even strange allegation of coup attempt from very suspicious quarters, he has resigned to accept a UN Post as Assistant Secretary General. He may have been right with certain things and wrong with other things. Notwithstanding, he has shown what makes a technocrat a technocrat. That is the capacity to move on and not be held back by lust for power.

Gambians should strive to serve their country to the best of their capacity and move on to bigger things when the need arises. There is no honour in spending the last days of one’s life being a grave digger of success and a sower of the seed of hopelessness, envy and gloom.