My Sincere Advice To The Government Of Adama Barrow


James F. Mendy

As a very concerned citizen, I advise the government of Mr. Adama Barrow to act on the revelations made by the Health Minister, let it be a trigger for you to act quickly, effectively and most efficiently on the following:

First of all your government has to set up a very proactive, credible and impartial anti-corruption agency to police and protect our resources.

“Conduct an emergency audit and inquiry of all public officials and the civil service without fear or favour and apply the law to the letter on anyone found wanting for misappropriation of funds and abuse of office without fear or favour,”

Let those who are really ready to selflessly serve the people remain, and those who are there for themselves leave.

Let your government adhere to good governance and accountability practices that will rapidly advance our country and uplift the lives of our people far above the poverty line.

Following the public outcry on the above-mentioned issues and the health Minister’s revelations, these are urgently very necessary in order for your leadership to achieve your development aspirations and most effectively and efficiently address the needs of ordinary people.

Development is all about good policies and programs that address the needs and aspirations of the people.

This must be impartially and very proactively pursued and implemented for our collective prosperity.

Leadership is all about the people and I encourage you to give ears to the masses and not only to the potentially selfish few.

We want you to take the people of this country to the promised land. I also urge my fellow good citizens to know that we should all come together and develop our country for our collective greater good.

We are and shall remain one Gambia, one people, one nation. Thank you!