Government is Optimistic ASB Clinic Will Resume Operation


By Nelson Manneh

The Director of Health Services at the Ministry of Health Dr. Mustapha Bittaye has on Wednesday, 30th October said Aradeiter Samariter Bund clinic will resume operation soon.

He made the statement twenty-one days after the clinic was closed down by the government.

Dr. Bittaye told Foroyaa: “very soon the clinic will resume operation.”

He added the management of the health facility is responding to their (mohsw) demands positively.

“We engaged the management of the clinic and they are responding to our demands positively. They are complying with all we asked them to do. They are working hard to fulfil our demands,” he said.

Readers could recall that the ASB Clinic in Dippa Kunda was indefinitely closed down by the Ministry of Health this month due to complications resulting in loss of lives.