Did the National Assembly make an error by voting by show of hands?



Did the National Assembly make an error by voting by show of hands?

When the motion was made for sittings to be suspended until the Vice President could appear to represent the President, voting by ‘aye’ and ‘no’ did not provide a clear winner. The Assembly then proceeded to vote by show of hands. Some members however refused to raise their hands. When approached by Foroyaa they referred the reporter to Standing Order 46:

(1)       At the conclusion of a debate, the question shall be put by the Speaker and the votes shall be taken by voices “Aye” and “No” and the result shall be declared by the Speaker, but if any Member claims a division, the votes shall be taken by the Clerk who shall ask separately each Member entitled to vote how he or she desires to vote and record the votes accordingly.

(2)       In taking the division, the names of the members to vote shall be called in alphabetical order.

(3)       If upon any division the votes of members are equally divided, the motion shall be lost.”