Is Gunjur Beach Turned To A Marine Shipyard?

Gunjur beach

By Madiba Singhateh  

Walking on the shores of Gunjur beach, one can see an incomplete barge stationed on the coastal sea front. It has been confirmed by all those who have a stake at the beach that the said incomplete barge has been stationed on the shores of the beach for two years now; that the incomplete barge belong to Golden Lead fishmeal Company, who started its building.

As one looks further closer, one can see tons of bags of sand underneath the incomplete barge to support it, because returning ocean waves have eroding the sand underneath, making it dangerous for people who rest under or come into close contact with the incomplete barge. What is clear is that the unfinished barge seemed to be abandoned by its owners and lies dangerously on the coast, wait to come down on people who make the place a waiting shed, when disaster strikes.

When contacted to shed light on this pending catastrophe that can cause injury or even loss of life when disaster strikes, Badara Bajo the head of Gunjur Environmental Protection and Development Group (GEPDG), told this reporter that they have already informed Golden Lead fishmeal factory about the incomplete and abandoned barge, and for them to remove and relocate it from its present position, where it poses serious danger to fish mongers and other people who visit the area; that it has been a while since they last reported the matter to no avail.

According to Bajo, the Director of the National Environment Agency Momodou Jama Suwareh, also visited the area and informed the Golden Lead factory officials regarding the construction and position of the barge, well before they started work on the barge; that Suwareh told Golden Lead factory officials to move the ship from its present location, and further warned them to desist from establishing structures along the coastline, which is in violation with the National Environment Act; that such structures accelerate coastal erosion.

Efforts to reach the NEA proved unsuccessful, but this reporter will follow the issue for the readership in subsequent issues of Foroyaa.