Trumps’ America and the ICC

ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda

The news emanating from The Hague that the visa of the ICC prosecutor to enter the US has been revoked due to the fact that she has sought authorisation to open an investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan by the Taliban,Afghan government forces and international forces, including US troops has raised eyebrows.

In this 21st century of transparency and accountability no nation on earth would earn any credibility or integrity by suppressing investigation on war crimes and crimes against humanity. Any nation that obstructs or hinders such investigation cannot parade itself as a model of a free world that respects fundamental rights and freedoms. The US leadership should respect peer review. No nation should be inward looking. This is the era of multi nationalism and nations should exercise checks and balances over their actions. It would not be wise for the US to revoke any visa ban on the ICC officials involved in the investigation including the prosecutor.