Saayii Tollof Part 523 EPISODE 35 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Baah’ Ak ‘Maama Raakaju’ ‘Niitu Be Lakale’)


Baah’ Courtship with Jomm
It was love at first sight even though Eteh brought them together and gave them a conducive environment to connect Jomm is a professional Nurse/Midwife calm, cool and collected Baah loves every bit of her character so concern and intelligent within a short space of time she comprehends Baah’ likes and dislikes and she was able to adjust quickly to perfect match with her man.

He took her to an exotic restaurant and bar at the beach side she came down and he opened door for her she smiled and said;
“Thank you!” In a sweet voice unlike Niitu who insults him instead but when he want to compare she held his mouth;
“No! Don’t compare no two persons are the same she has her strengths and weaknesses like me I do have them also respect her as the mother of your son.”

“Thank you sensible lady you are so clean and pure at heart another woman would have taken advantage.”

“It is okay I understand.”

She invited Doc. Mam
“I am waiting for you my estranged husband does not care about me we are living apart now it is up to you to come for us.” She encouraged him.

“Don’t abandon me we are all together in this I’ll give you all my love and Junior is your son don’t mind them Baah cannot father a child.”

Doc. Mam
“It is okay I have two lovely children we can make another one forget about Baah and give me chance to love you with all my heart.”
As the two shared notes guessed who entered?
He marched in with Jomm all over her giggling, laughing and having fun Niitu saw them and became envious which means she still love Baah who totally ignored her and Doc. Baah took Jomm inside and got her seated,
“What do you want to drink Sunshine? Your wish is my command.” He went to the cooler and took out soft drinks and an opener;
“Sunshine I have turned to soft no more alcohol just for you I’ll allow you make me a better person trust me.”

“Are you kidding me for real?”

“For real my love alcohol is bad I want to stop it for a long time but did not have the heart and stamina no will power but now you are my will power.” He kissed her all over it was too much for Niitu and Doc. Mam, she held his hand as a child hissed and walked past the duo and left the environment altogether the duo burst into uncontrollable laughter.
“You have not seen anything as yet it is too early to run away because I am going to show this lady so much love to make her forget all worries.” They again burst into uncontrollable laughter and have fun.

The lovers were still seated at the living room and have fun when Niitu came back alone; Maama was at the sitting room baby- sitting Junior but the duo ignored her and were involved into themselves for now nothing matters but the two of them.

She paced up and down with Junior but is totally ignored by the duo Niitu came in almost enraged to madness insulting and cursing.

“Whoever is romancing today and having fun is with my leftover I have eaten to my satisfaction and have rejected the abandoned property.”

Baah And Jomm
The duo continued playing their romance as mom and child walked passed them with insults and curses.

The duo stayed for a while then announced they are going for a bath then the Beach Restaurant for a date; Baah took Jomm to the posh car he has already bought he sold the old one he is progressing and Doc. Mam is going down their contrast was very vivid.

Baah took Jomm to the car and opened for her before entering he gave her a sweet kiss;
Aloud he said;
“You are good luck my business is blossoming that’ why I name the posh car after you.” He drove away.

Niitu and Maama Raakaju
“It is going to be very tough for us Nemesis the law of Khmer has visited us we have to bear while we stay in his house I know Baah he is good but is sarcastic in pay back he is head over heels in love with Jomm there is nothing we can do about it.”

Maama Raaka
“Stop saying that just tell me whether you still love him? If you do MAAMA can help us get him back with more submission as before what is your position with Doc. Mam?”

“Doc. Mam is good but his weakness is his wife and two kids I can always occupy second place in his heart unlike Baah I was first until you encourage me to mess up.”

Maama Raakaju
“Why do you always rub it on my face that I brought the mess up I am a mother and want my child to be the best even though I became overzealous in the process I mess it up but believe me MAAMA will fix it again.”

“Will you mom? Do it and I’ll forgive, love and respect you forever this Jomm of a woman should suffer for trying to snatch my man right in front of my nose.”
To Be  Cont.