Minister Presents Supplementary Appropriation Bill Of Over 1 Billion Dalasis


The Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs is asking the Deputies to approve an allocation of over one billion from the purse of the government (the Consolidated Fund) to meet expenditures that he claims the government made to cover car and transport allowances amounting to 203.69 million dalasis, the commissions and panels of investigation established which would cover 236 million dalasis, contributions to international organisations which will cover 226 million dalasis, maintenance of foreign missions which will cover 65 million dalasis and subsidizing NAWEC, former GGC and other state owned enterprises which will cover 402 million dalasis.

According to the minister the government intends to engage in domestic borrowing to put it in the consolidated fund to meet such expenses. The deputies referred the motion to the public and finance committee before opening the matter for debate today. Foroyaa will publish the motion of the minister verbatim and the reaction of the deputies after the report of the public and finance committee in tomorrow’s edition.