Some Young People Frown At Presidential Youth Advisor’s Appointment


By Saikou Suwareh Jabai

President Barrow continues to announce his team of advisors this week and the one name that perhaps surprised many young people was that of Musa Suso, who would be advising him on youth matters.

This appointed is met with criticisms from displeased youth who described it as the President’s worst decision ever.

Social networks have been abuzz with questions of who Suso is, if he is a youth and whether he possesses the required acumen to advise the President correctly on youth matters.

Youth leaders across the country have frowned at this appointment, saying it duplicates the National Youth Council’s Mandate / Act2000.

Having no history in serving no known non-partisan youth organization in the country, only helped fuel questions on whether he was the right person for this delicate job.

However, his appointment has been hailed by some who are of the opinion that he would bring an element of inclusiveness as he is a former MP of the ARPC.

Suso was expelled from the National Assembly after he was convicted and sentenced on counts of drug trafficking.

His role will be to facilitate dialogue and identify solutions on the socio-economic challenges facing the Gambian youth.

Muhammed Lamin Dibba, a young Political Science student at the University of The Gambia, said Suso faces several challenges as he begins his work, indicating that he will need a robust outreach strategy to be able to coordinate with all youth organisations.

“His appointment comes at a time when many Gambian youth continue to struggle to make ends meet, such that even those employed barely make it to the next pay day, because of the high cost of living in the country,” Dibba added.