Saayii Tolof Part 375 EPISODE 29 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Bennen Jigeen’ the Other Woman)


Maama Ndungu
She paid a visit to Maama Jaa to visit her grandchildren;
After exchanged greetings she asked after Asum and the kids;
“How are my grandchildren, I have not seen them as well as Asum?”

Maama Jaa
“Asum has gone to work as a cook to her university godmother Ngens she was the one paying for her tuition fees in university now she has come to her aid at her time of despair.”

Maama Ndungu
“Oh what a pity! A graduate ending up as a cook for her colleague what sort of life is that? Look what Yerro has done to Asum my beautiful daughter in law?”

Maama Jaa
She laughed hilariously and answered her;
“Oh no it is not like that as am talking to you Asum is working as a cook to an expatriate who married her friend Ngens and she is being paid a graduate salary with all fringe benefits full education for the kids up to university, health benefits, housing and vacation for her family, Maama Asum and her kids are blessed.”

Maama Ndungu
“That is nice to hear Asum and her kids will always be blessed because she is noble and her heart is made of gold I pray for her all the time and despite her difference with my son she still send my full welfare what woman would have done that?

Maama Jaa
“She did her duty as I’ve taught her you are her mom as well as Yerro’.”

Maama Ndungu
 “I am very grateful to you and your gracious daughter it is only a good woman/mother who can raise such a child.”

She experienced a difficult pregnancy but Asum proved to be a faithful pal she admitted with her at the private clinic and helped her until she gave birth through Caesarian Section she seemed well then she spoke to her friend in private;
“I am going my friend look after my son and my husband my living relatives are distant and have never shown interest in me my parents died in a dastardly accident when I was a teenager my relatives called me bad luck and rejected me I was brought up in a convent now I’ve willed all my property to you my son and your children I am going home my husband is away on a scientific mission bade him farewell for me and take good care of my family.” She turned her face to the wall and went to sleep; Asum turned her and she was gone; she screamed and the room became full of hospital workers;

   “Please call the nurse.”

Nurse Joof
She came and covered Ngens with the blanket and called doctor to come and confirmed her;

Doctor Jagne
She came and shook her head as she pronounced her officially dead and ordered the body to be taken to the mortuary she hid and wept bitterly.
“What a beautiful noble hearted woman who can willed all her wealth to her best friend and family? She died too young but the lord knows what is best, may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace, amen.”

Prof. B.B
   He returned home quickly and was devastated;
“Where is my wife? Is she really dead? Where is my son?”

She brought Burang Burama Junior and he is miniature of Prof;

Prof B.B
“Junior is exactly like me but I miss my sweet heart God why? Why do you take my soul from me?”
He mourned his wife deep in his heart and Asum genuinely mourn her friend she remained distant from him and nursed Junior very well she gave him her breast until milk come out of it. Asum assumed full responsibility as if Ngens was alive.

    She always sees Ngens in her dreams;
Ngens wore a white flowing robe as she met Asum in the garden she spoke to her;

   “Prof is dying for you please accept him I don’t want any woman to come into his life and molest my son please marry my husband and give him life he’ll come to you in due course I’ll encourage him he cannot mourn for me in his entire life I want him to marry you for me.”

   But before she replied to her she woke up where should she go for interpretation?

At Her mom’ home
Asum narrated her dream to Maama Jaa;
“I kept on having this dream about Ngens asking me to marry her husband but how could I Ngens was my sister how can she asked me to marry her husband what would people say that I am an opportunist? Reaping where I did not sow? I cannot marry Prof let him marry another woman.”

Maama Jaa
“No! You cannot do that Ngens is appearing in your dreams to tell you her wish which she has communicated to you at her death bed she is not your blood sister even if she was it is appropriate in our culture. Please marry Prof and make your friend happy.”

He dreamt of his dead wife urging him to marry her friend;
“Asum is a decent woman I trust her with our son marry her and make me happy.”
Before Prof could give her an answer he woke up in cold sweat.
“What am I going to do? What about if I approach her and she rejects me?”

   “I cannot approach him I am woman for God’ sake.”

A Perfect Situation
    Prof know Asum birthday through Ngens he bought her flowers, chocolate and a gold chain which the sign of the cross and a birth day card which reads;
“You are my sunshine please look my way to please Ngens, I love you!”

   She was thrilled and also reciprocated at Prof’ birthday which was a month away she also sent him the same;
“You are my sunshine let us make it happen as Ngens wished.”

The Date
The duo spent the day at the beach a stone throw from their mansion and they enjoyed it with the kids who have fun and play football with Prof. Junior is now one year and very agile and as he grows he looks exactly as his father and he loves him dearly as Asum’ kids who naturally accept him as their biological dad and he dotted and connected with them as he show them love, appreciation and care

“Thank you God for making Prof and Ngens part of my life I am so grateful.”

The Wedding
The couple opted for a quiet registry wedding with close friends and relatives.
To be Cont.