“Sumaa Domm You Jigeen! Sumaa Jaamong!” Part 9 (My Daughters! My Jewel!)


By Amie Sillah Maga and Sap    “My husband you worry too much about this grown up men, relax! They are no longer babies,” Sap posited. “Men! Why should they still stay with us and we are feeding them? You are the one spoiling these boys,” Maga argued. “Are you blaming me? Where you not the one who asked me not to shout at them or beat them? You went as far as taking them out of school because their teachers beat them?” Sap argued. “Your children have grown up to become petty village thieves and the police will soon come after them and kill them,” Papa predicts. “Allah forbids! Don’t pray that for my children you shameless, irresponsible father! Irresponsible sons!” The Boys They came midnight jittery and out of gait, drunk to stupor, they fell flat on the floor. “Take care of your useless sons!” Maga told Sap as he went into his bedroom and locked it behind him. “Are they not your sons?” Sap hissed. The Siblings They stood at the road side and spoke about their parents. “Papa is not happy because he has no male child to carry on his name,” T.J explained. I.J disagreed. “I cannot understand what the hillbilly is about boy child/children; what is so special about male and female child issue? I don’t believe in this thrash and anyone can be anything you choose to be if you make the effort and under the right circumstances.” “This is African Culture and Tradition,” T.J argued. “Not all Africans are like as us here in The Gambia and especially in this village. Could you believe that I found Mama many times in her room crying over her lack of giving birth to a male child?” I.J explained. “Are you serious, at this day and age? Does she want to die?” T.J asked. “What Mama told me when I asked her? She said a disabled male child is better than a full grown female child. Can you imagine that? Backward Gambia!” I.J posited. Yerro with Absa his Girlfriend The duo visited Cow Yerro’s Liquor Shop, he shared the same name with his cousin named after their great grandpa. Yerro Maga ordered soft and hard drink for himself and Absata. Pa Oussou Pa Ousman is a former classmate and also a school dropout he came and joined the chat and the drink. He begged favour from Yerro. “Ye-Ye! I am your friend now! Are you not going to serve me drinks and cow foot soup?” Absata frown, she sees him as a pest. Yerro bluffed. “Why not?” He called his cousin and namesake Cow Yerro and asked him to bring more liquor and a cow foot soup bowl for his friend Pa Oussou. Cow Yerro He called his cousin aside and asked him. “Do you know how much you owe me now?Yerro scratched his headand said. “How much do I owe you now? Cow Yerro brought his note book and said.    “Debt now stood at D2000. 00and when I add today’s it will be D3000. 00.“It is okay, I’ve done a lot of odd jobs at the village and I expect my money in two days’ time when I’ll come and clear all my debts to you and will even add some interest as you are so kind to me.” “I trust you but don’t disappoint me my cousin.” “I promise.” Youssou    He passed them with his flash car and Pa Oussou commented. “Look at that flash car! I have not seen any around here! Such cars are only seen in American Movies.” Cow Yerro is also mesmerized with Youssou’s new found wealth call ‘new money’. “He is from this village and I understand he is into ‘fin’ business with some South Koreans. He wants to establish a fish factory in the village and has undertaken to build a complete school from Nursery to Senior Secondary Complex for the village as well as a complete clinic to serve all aspects concerning the villagers’ health including the satellite catchment area. He is a noble son who should be emulated,” Cow posited. Yerro became jealous. “What are you admiring, a notorious drug baron? The Interpol are after him, as for me I am contented with my village engagement and I’ll soon be a full time palm nut harvester. Am I not doing well in my business?” “Of course, you are doing very well but we are not talking about you here, it is Youssou we are talking about,” Cow Yerro posited to the dislike of his namesake. “Let us change the topic; I am not interested in this one.” Yerro became adamant. Maga He brought a brand new motor bicycle and left it behind his house. Lama Lama came and stole the motor bike. Maga came out and searched everywhere. “Where is my motor bike?” He asked himself. Yerro came out and he asked him. “Papa I did not see your motorbike, where did you say you parked it?” “Here, here and I just entered the house came out and it is nowhere to be found.” Isha Jawo I.J came from the village as she went selling soap for Jaa. “Isha! Have you seen anyone driving my motor bicycle?” “I’ve seen Lama driving it just now.” “It is a lie Lama is not at home.” “It is true, why should I lie about it?” “Where has he gone to?” Isha showed him the direction. “If it is Lama then there is no problem, he must just have borrowed it and will bring it soon.” Yerro posited as he drove Isha away. “Get back into your house liar, big gossip, idiot!” he chided I.J. Enroute Maga met his nephew Cow Yerroand enquired about his son. “Have you seen Lama with my motor bike? I’ve bought it today and left it behind my back yard, came out and it disappeared.” “I am asking for Yerro your son,” Cow Yerro asked. “Lama is going to sell my motorbike, I am searching for him.” “Yerro Maga has pulled down my business.” “Cow Yerro I am looking for Lama don’t you understand my predicament? He will sell it to smoke Indian Hem.” Cow Yerro became pissed off. “My business is at the verge of collapse and you are here telling me about motorbike; because of the numerous credits I’ve given him because we share the same name and are from the same ancestry, now I am down and out.” Maga ran past Cow Yerro in search of Lama who became all the more frustrated. To be Cont  ]]>