The battle for political power could take many forms and those who govern have more interest in a contest for political power which takes place under a climate of peace and tranquility.

Political figures could have their intentions but the material conditions dictate how a society is transformed.

No political leader can force the people to take course of actions which they are not ready to take to effect change.

No political leader who controls political power could prevent change when the people are ready for it.

Hence, every political leader should pay heed to the dictates of times and circumstances.

The incidents of 14 and 16 April should be put in their proper context regardless of the legal implications, they are politically motivated. If one focuses on the political motivation and rely on political means to address the problems arising from them, a solution would be found that would be considered appropriate by all reasonable citizens of the country.

Election is just six months away. People are capable of making a decision in support of any political leader or shade. It is necessary to contain the tension by doing what is right and just to create an atmosphere favourable for holding of free, fair and credible elections. Flexibility is what is needed to make good judgments and decisions.