Saayii Tolof – Part 132 EPISODE 11 (Difficult Marriages – Daughter in Law the other side)


By Amie Sillah

He went back to the village without his wife who refused to accompany him in protest and intended to retrieve every item given to them but without success; as he roved, ranted and raved into tantrums they ignored him and went after their business.
As a last desperate attempt he asked;   “Since you have eaten the provisions bought by my hard earned money give me the cash my stubborn wife has given to you.”
His parents went back into the house without saying anything to them and this attitude inflamed him all the more as he hissed, entered his car and drove away.

At the City
 Ify is still unable to understand her husband’s attitude.
“Had I earlier known this side of Bangs I would not have married him, hush! This stupid man is so stubborn!” She soliloquized.

Dad’ Friends
They humbled themselves and came back to him with provisions and cash.
“We are very sorry to have offended you so badly; definitely it was not our intension.” They stooped before him.
“No! No! Get up there is no need for this, I am one of you and I’ve heard and have forgiven you and have accepted your gift God bless you.” They sat down and chatted the time away. They urged him to celebrate with liquor.
“Let us drink our sorrows away especially escaping the wrath of your troublesome wife, Mom.”

She finally reached the village to visit her parents.
“How is my dad? He is uppermost in my mind; is he okay now?” She asked.
“You are blossoming my daughter; the city is treating you very well,” Mom posited.
“Your dad was very sick but is now recuperating and doing very well.”
“How is my hopeless brother, still recalcitrant? I did some minor jobs and did receive some little money which took care of some of my vital needs and what is left I’ve bought some provisions and little cash for you.”
Mom hugged and praised her concern for their welfare;
“God will see you through and you shall never be lacking and we know if you are a graduate all or most of our needs will be met. I don’t care about your brother so far as I am concerned; I have only a daughter and not a son.”
“That is the spirit Mom, forget about him; God is alive and kicking.”

She visited Aunty Saptieu Mom’s best pal who was very welcoming as she ushered her in.
“You are blossoming my daughter the city has treated you very well and I am praying for you to graduate with First Class Honours and for Allah to bless you with a very good super rich husband.”
“Amen oh! Amen!”
“It is good that you’ve come. Your dad is very ill but is now recovering and we thank God for that. Take care of them and Allah will bless you. Your brother is recalcitrant and would not accept good advice. What’s the use of his money if his parents live in abject poverty and penury? I am very happy you have not taken his wrong path.”
Abi gave her some provisions and cash and she prayed for her;
“Your parents need it all the more but I’ll accept it in order not to embarrass you.”
She then gave her half a bag of rice and some condiments for her mother.
Abi stooped down and praised her assistance to her family.
She helped her get up and praised her concern for her family and promised to put more pressure on Bangs.
“Aunty please do, my brother is destroying himself and is being deceived by some parasites he called his friends and seek their advice.”
“Please report to me about his queer behaviour, we’ll all put pressure on him to take care of his parents, honour thy parents is the advice from the holy books of the Qur’an and Bible.”

Mama Sap
She called her elder daughter Harr and gave her some chores.
“Who were you talking to?”
“Abiyose she brought me some cash and provisions and I reciprocated and told her that Mom need it more than us that I cannot return her gifts and praised her to continue caring for her parents.”
“That is how it should be if her super rich brother took care of his parents which he has failed to do. Your role now is to get him do that hence he is taking good care of you.”
“Mind your business and say what you know and not what you do not know.”
“Let him enroll us into self-employable trades and you would have also done justice to your jobless girls rotting away at the village.”

Just in Time
Dad vehemently coughed blood and fell down upon the floor. Abi just got into the compound yelled and rushed to assist him;
“Give me water!” He begged.
Abi called Mom who rushed to the scene while Abi rushed to hire a cab to take him to the clinic at the catchment area where he was admitted and the doctor asked the nurse to call Mom to come to his office.
Abi called Aunty Sap who rushed to the clinic to assist her. She accompanied her to doctor’s office.

With the Doctor
She explained to them what is suspected;
“I think he suffers from chronic thoracic infection which needs an operation from a specialist who comes from the government referral hospital but meanwhile you need to deposit from D30,000 – D50,000 for a start.”
Mom exclaimed and said;
“What! Where am I going to have such huge money? I am finished! I am finished! Dad is going to die for lack of money to cure him.”
Aunty Sap begged the doctor to give them time to get the money. Mom protested but she dragged her out.
“Why should you wash your dirty linen in public? What do you have at home? What have you saved|?” She asked.
“Save! We don’t have food to eat and you are talking about depositing such an about of money?” She untied the end of her wrapped and counted five hundred dalasi given by Dad’ friends when they brought him the gifts.
Aunty Sap counted it a second time and asked;
“Are you kidding me? How can we count on such an amount? As for me I have nothing. The money I had, I have used to replenish my shop and definitely I cannot kill myself for your family; try and ring your super rich son and explain the problem or better still send Abi to the city to impress the gravity of the problem to him and his wife.”
To be Cont.